Policies & Procedures

Dress Code Policy

We ask that students attending our school wear clothing that is comfortable, clean, and appropriate for an elementary school. Because our instructional program includes active play, students must wear clothing that allows them to run and jump, including closed-toed shoes. Clothing and other items our students wear must not disrupt the educational process nor create safety concerns. All popular fashions may not be appropriate for an elementary school.

Inappropriate dress includes but is not limited to:

  • Clothing that does not fit reasonably
  • Clothing with logos, slogans, words, or pictures promoting or depicting alcohol, tobacco, drugs, vandalism, bigotry, violence, sexual connotations, or profanity. This includes clothing with phrases or pictures that have double meanings.
  • Clothing that is revealing or that does not provide full coverage of private body parts.
  • Shorts, skirts, and dresses must be long enough that they reach the same point on the thigh as the bottom of a student’s closed fist when the arm is extended and resting on the thigh.
  • Earrings, chains, jewelry that dangles and could be dangerous when playing
  • Shoes with open toes or excessive heels
  • Hats worn indoors or incorrectly

With the support and cooperation of our students, parents, and staff, (our school) will be a positive and productive learning environment.


Brooklyn Gardens Elementary School operates five days a week, Monday through Friday, beginning on Thursday, September 8, 2022, for all students through June 27, 2023. The school day begins at 8:00 am and ends at 2:20 pm.  Daily attendance is expected of all students.  Students are expected to arrive at school by no later than 8:00 AM each day.  The school building will be open for early arrivals beginning at 7:30 AM daily.  Attendance is closely monitored and any attendance rate below 90% (6 or more school days) places your child in the Chronically Absent category.  Students may miss school for illness, emergency, or religious reasons. However, absences must be reported to the school and medical documentation should be provided, when possible.  While these are considered excused absences they still count towards a students attendance record.

COVID-19 Related Absences

If, at any time, your child is required to miss school due to a COVID-19 related illness or exposure, this must be reported to the school immediately.  Remote learning will be  made available to any students who are required to quarantine. Additional information regarding COVID-19 related absences will be provided as needed on a case by case basis. Please refer to the NYC DOE website for more information regarding COVID-19 policies.


In an effort to continue to provide you and your child with access to a rich curriculum and learning experiences tosupport your child’s goals toward the mastery of the standards, we will continue to maintain a grading policy thatallows us to measure your child’s learning progress.  Teachers will be taking the time to review your child’s work daily,provide grades that indicate your child’s progress toward mastery, and provide feedback to support you and your childin continuing to set goals toward progress. Our grading policies will apply to all of our learners in both the Blendedand Remote Learning Platforms.   ​Policies stated in this document regarding remote learning apply to bothstudents who are registered in blended learning schedules and those registered for full time remote learning.